Melting Art

Melting Art


Peter Jordans Factory unites artists and fuses different artistic creations around a certain theme. Every art form has its own characteristics; therefore when multiple art forms come together, they each bring their own unique colour and content to a new creative project.

In 2018, we presented our first project: “We All Love Birdy. And we breed on other beautiful things. If the wind and the stars are right, it may fly. Into the wide world.


Creating Synergie! We bundle our powers in order to offer participating artists an additional platform to introduce themselves and their work.

Sometimes we introduce just one, generally well-established, artist, who then introduces others into his or her field. It can be a band, a solo artist, a painter, a poet, a choreographer, a photographer. As long as all the participants are in agreement, everyone is welcome.


In the meantime – between our own projects – we also take fascinating side tracks. For instance, we collaborate on projects where art, silence and nature meet. We contribute to artistic collaborations and cross-pollinations. Or we put our shoulders to the wheel in bold plans for music, beauty or heritage.
We do this at the request of others or on our own initiative. Our contribution can be small or large and always different, tailored to the project: musical or supportive, connecting or inspiring. Would you like to take a walk along our side tracks? You can do so on the Meantime(s) page.

Are you an artist or organisation? Do you have an artistic dream? Feel free to get in touch . Then we’ll see what we can do for each other.

Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working

Pablo Picasso

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